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Never Ending.Racing team

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  • #16
    Sorry I missed you at UCC, was hoping to make it out there. Great parts for your truck, can't wait to see it in action
    2006 LBZ Daily Driver, Tractor, School Bus, Hot Rod Diesel , Crew Cab, Lifted, Hunting Rig , Cowboy Cadillac


    • #17
      Originally posted by DMAXDR
      Sorry I missed you at UCC, was hoping to make it out there. Great parts for your truck, can't wait to see it in action
      Was hoping to meet all of you, but I'm doing everything I can to come down in September.

      Sent from my SM-G530T using Tapatalk


      • #18
        Originally posted by DirtyMax63 View Post
        Was hoping to meet all of you, but I'm doing everything I can to come down in September.

        Sent from my SM-G530T using Tapatalk

        We would love to have you in Sept. Stop by the shop forst, meet the guys and then be our guest at the event. Sponsorered trucks get preffered parking and hang out rights!!!. Lol


        • DirtyMax63
          DirtyMax63 commented
          Editing a comment
          Damn cool. I'm doing everything I can to have it back together for that event.

      • #19
        Well can't seem to get my pics to load on injectors will add them later. They are Apex 14's 225% over built by Don at F1 diesel. I was running an Apex 5.5 before.
        Still helping my friend with her mom, but trying to get the truck ready for may this year.

        Sent from my SM-G530T using Tapatalk


        • #20
          Can't seem to get pics to load from my phone. Injectors are an Apex 14 225 % over built by Don at F1 diesel. He does fine work. They also have full body mods to them. I was running Apex 5.5 before about 118% over.
          I'm still out of town helping my friend with her mom's medical needs, but looking like May on the track.

          Sent from my SM-G530T using Tapatalk


          • #21
            It has been a little while since I posted an update. Well here it is. yesterday the last of the billet parts from suncoast performance showed up and just waiting to get the tranny case back from the powder coater. I've only done this twice now. keep changing a few things up. So if that happens I'll be putting it together next weekend. Last thing on my motor that I'm waiting for is what to do with my heads? If anyone knows of some place to get performance valves let me know. Thanks Mike and Crew for all your help and great service.
            I'll post some pictures later having a problem getting it not to be upside down, sorry. The following link will take you to my racing page on face book for pictures.


            • #22
              Sounds like it’s coming together nicely. What power are you shooting for?

              Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


              • #23
                Hello Mike. I'm getting excited about hitting the track in the spring. It's been a while in the making, but getting things to fall in place. I'm shooting for 1250hp on the bottom tune and hoping to make 1550hp on the top side. If the tuning will allow that span. That's my goal. I should be able to make 1650hp with the injector setup I'm running now. I also think I'll be looking for someone new to do the tuning. I'm hoping that range will be able to get.


                • #24
                  Originally posted by DirtyMax63
                  Hello Mike. I'm getting excited about hitting the track in the spring. It's been a while in the making, but getting things to fall in place. I'm shooting for 1250hp on the bottom tune and hoping to make 1550hp on the top side. If the tuning will allow that span. That's my goal. I should be able to make 1650hp with the injector setup I'm running now. I also think I'll be looking for someone new to do the tuning. I'm hoping that range will be able to get.
                  Hey, good to hear things are comming along. Those are great numbers to shoot for! Think it will be done for NHRDA openers? I'd like to see your truck do work!

                  Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G891A using Tapatalk

                  2006 LBZ Daily Driver, Tractor, School Bus, Hot Rod Diesel , Crew Cab, Lifted, Hunting Rig , Cowboy Cadillac


                  • #25
                    Not into any social network,But want to wish you luck. I played with Nora a couple of years, but after setting a few records the threw a couple of hundred pounds on my dragster at each race.So I sold it .but made a few friends there Dale Armstrong especially.


                    • #26
                      Hello Roger and Doc. As far as I can tell I'll be running in the spring. I just dropped my heads off today for CNC porting and polishing and bigger valves with all the other goodies Which will be done Monday. So as soon as I start putting it together I'll make sure I post plenty of pictures and updates.


                      • #27
                        Originally posted by DirtyMax63
                        Hello Roger and Doc. As far as I can tell I'll be running in the spring. I just dropped my heads off today for CNC porting and polishing and bigger valves with all the other goodies Which will be done Monday. So as soon as I start putting it together I'll make sure I post plenty of pictures and updates.
                        That’s going to be one bad 6.6 Can’t wait to see that bad boy on the road. 👍
                        NHRDA is going to be in Sacramento April 2018

                        Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


                        • #28
                          Well I'll shoot for April then. I should be up and running by then. Thanks Mike


                          • #29
                            Click image for larger version

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ID:	4707 One more update for every one. I picked up my heads from yesterday. I'll be running their duramax race heads, CNC ported, nitrated valves, torque lock injector cups, and I'll be using the same valve springs that I was running before 125lb springs. I have everything to start the assembly process. May need a few parts along the way, but that won't slow us down. I can't wait to light the flame to my truck. I will post pictures as soon as I can along the way.
                            Last edited by DirtyMax63; 12-06-2017, 11:38 PM.


                            • #30
                              Click image for larger version

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ID:	4708 seems I'm having trouble uploading pics, so will post them soon.
                              Last edited by DirtyMax63; 12-06-2017, 11:41 PM.


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